Friday, January 28, 2011


A revolution more powerful than the industrial revolution is happening now???? Interesting.  I am not sure about that, but I think what he has to share is really thoughtful. 

I think he is right on the money about creativity being necessary to move forward ... that is ..... as long as that creativity is for the betterment of society; all societies, regardless of race, class, creed, gender, or sexuality. Now that would be revolutionary.....

He is also right on the money when he speaks to the natural creativity so present in younger children that becomes almost diminished in teenagers and young adults. Yes, there is creativity happening, but mostly I see the students I work with frustrated and bored. Though the most recent school is a charter school where the creativity in all classes is encouraged and the students are way more engaged.

We all have the ability to re create a new world.  Co creating is more what I am thinking lately.


  1. There's some interesting evidence that he presented in another short video on the process by which schools crush out creativity. Do you think it can be rediscovered? Collaborate is the way of the future, given the economy and the global marketplace.

  2. Yes, I do think it can be rediscovered but the whole shitstem has to be dismantled and recreated with creativity in mind. The schools have fallen behind, not because of lack of want from the teachers for the students, but because of a top heavy administration that has lost contact with the soul of a child. I am referring to public school here. I do think there are students who are able to flourish in their natural inborn creativity, if given the right tools and support, but the public schools that are lower funded are leaving creativity behind in order to pass state test scores. Collaboration is key, I agree, it is necessary to collaborate and bring the different gifts we all have to the table.
    some kids are good at math and some are not, but the way the system is set up the student is pressured to be good in everything and if not they fail. I am a fan of really supporting the gifts we do have, and not forcing something that is not there. We all have strengths. Bring the different strengths to the table to collaborate and build something inclusive instead of exclusive....
